
The Anthropologist as Expert: Brazilian Etnhology between Indianism and Indigenism

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Autor(es): Pacheco de Oliveira, João

Editora: Duke University Press

Ano de produção: 2005

Idioma Original: Inglês

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Duke University Press

Catalogação da Obra

Titulo, Subtitulo e indicação de responsabilidade: The Anthropologist as Expert: Brazilian Etnhology between Indianism and Indigenism. In: L’ESTOILE, Benoit; NEIBURG, Federico; SIGAUD, Lygia. (Org.). Empires, Nations and Natives. Anthropology and State-making. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005, v. , p. 223-247.

Notas: v. , p. 223-247. 344 p.

ISBN: 978-0-8223-3617-4


Is it the anthropologist’s role to decide whether an individual or a collective can be defined as ‘‘indigenous’’ or, further, to establish the limits of the territory to be officially recognized by the state? As a specialist, does he or she possess the conceptual and methodological tools required for such a definition? In epistemological and ethical terms, should the anthropologist make such a decision, insofar as it implies agreeing to act as a substitute for concrete historical agents (indigenous peoples, class sectors or other social groups, or the state itself) and to assume the role of arbiter between opposed or even antagonistic social interests?